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AI- 51486
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 01/24/2022  
Transfer of Federal Forfeiture Funds (1066)-Two Sheriff’s Office DWI Enforcement Vehicles & Equipment
Submitted For: Jim Skinner Submitted By: Rebecca Zimmerman
Department: Sheriff's Office  
Request Type: GENERAL

Department Action
The Collin County Sheriff’s Office is notifying the Commissioners Court of a budget amendment to purchase two (2) Sheriff's Office DWI Enforcement vehicles and equipment. Federal Forfeiture funds (1066) will be utilized in this purchase totaling $177,846.00.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval to award contract 2022-147, PI SUVs for DWI Enforcement, to Silsbee Ford, Inc. through the Goodbuy cooperative contract No. 22-22 8F000, to purchase two (2) Ford PI SUVs for a total amount of $97,931.50 and notification of attached budget amendment to use Federal Forfeiture funds (1066) for purchase of the trucks and accessories. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Funds available in the amount of $177,846 in the Sheriff's Office Federal Forfeiture Fund (1066) for a Budget Amendment to purchase two Sheriff's Office DWI Enforcement vehicles and equipment. Vehicles are requested to be awarded on contract 2022-147, PI SUVs for DWI Enforcement to Silsbee Ford, Inc. Budget amendment includes fuel and maintenance for the vehicles. 
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available in Federal Forfeiture Fund (1066) per attached, Budget amendment will be processed upon approval.
Commissioners Court
Award PI SUVs for DWI Enforcement (Contract No. 2022-147) to Silsbee Ford, Inc. through Goodbuy Cooperative Contract No. 22-22 8F000, and budget amendment in the amount of $177,846 utilizing Federal Forfeiture Funds for same, Sheriff. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: $177,846.00
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
Fund Transfers
BAJ5001-1066-500010056-809070 - $97,932
BAJ5001-1066-500010056-809013 - $32,920
1066-50001-0055-64-30-0000-668704 - $28,994
1066-50001-0055-64-30-0000-637562 - $4,000
1066-50001-0055-64-30-0000-626101 - $14,000

TOTAL $177,846
FY 2022 Budget Amendment Totaling $177,846.
Court Order 2022-079-01-24
Goodbuy Quote
Quote 2
Form 1295
2252 Certification

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