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AI- 52182
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 06/20/2022  
Change Order No.2 with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc.
Submitted For: Clarence Daugherty Submitted By: Dawn Redwine
Department: Engineering  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Change Order

Department Action
The Engineering Department requests approval of Change Order No. 2 to the construction contract with MSSEI for the Outer Loop Project. Change Order No. 2 will allow for a larger sized steel casing required for a waterline crossing, the obliteration of the abandoned CR 88 and a revised right turn lane asphalt section to tie into Custer Rd.
Change Order No. 2 results in a net contract increase of $206,409.25 revising the total construction contract amount to $13,302,627.56.
Recommended Action:  It is requested that the Commissioners Court approve Change Order No. 2, increasing the Outer Loop contract by $206,409.25, for a total of $13,302,627.56.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of change order No. 2 to the contract with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc., IFB 2020-258, Construction, Road, Collin County Outer Loop from East of SH 289 to FM 2478, to allow for a larger sized steel casing for a waterline crossing, obliteration of CR 88, and a revised right turn asphalt section to tie into Custer Rd. for the amount of $206,409.25 for a new total contract value of $13,302,627.56. Further, authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute same. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available for Change Order No. 2 to IFB 2020-258, Construction, Road, Collin County Outer Loop from East of SH 289 to FM 2478 with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. 2018 Road Bonds (4021).
Auditor's Office Action
Bond funds available.
Commissioners Court
No. 2 to Construction, Road: Collin County Outer Loop from East of SH 289 to FM 2478 (IFB No. 2020-258) with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating Inc. to allow for a larger sized steel casing for a waterline crossing, obliteration of CR 88 and a revised right turn asphalt section to tie into Custer Road, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Engineering.

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: 206,409.25
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809280
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2022-553-06-20
Change Order No. 2
2252 Certification
Form 1295

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