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AI- 52183
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 06/20/2022  
Change Order No.3 Frontier Pkwy Collin County
Submitted For: Clarence Daugherty Submitted By: Dawn Redwine
Department: Engineering  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Change Order

Department Action
The Engineering Department requests approval of Change Order No. 3 to the construction contract with MSSEI for the Frontier Parkway Project. Change Order No. 3 will allow for the construction of a temporary wire span traffic signal that will alleviate traffic concerns at the intersection of Frontier Parkway and Worthington Way. This change order will also allow for the temporary signal to become a permanent signal once the paving elements are complete. The cost for adding the temporary and permanent traffic signal in the amount of $633,962.85 will be paid by the City of Celina and the Town of Prosper.
Change Order No. 3 results in a net contract increase of $633,962.85 revising the total construction contract amount to $23,611,984.26.
Recommended Action:  It is requested that the Commissioners Court
-approve Change Order No. 3, increasing the Frontier Pkwy contract by $633,962.85, for a total of $23,611,984.26.
-authorize the auditor to transfer Prosper and Celina's payments that will be deposited into the revue account to RI07014-4213-750300013-809280
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of change order No. 3 to the contract with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc., CSP 2020-303, Construction, Road, Frontier Parkway (CR 5) Paving and Drainage Improvement, for construction of a temporary wire-span traffic signal at the intersection of Frontier Parkway and Victory/Worthington Way which will become permanent once paving elements are complete for the amount of $633,962.85, which will be funded by the City of Celina and the Town of Prosper, for a new total contract value of $23,611,984.26. Further, authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute same. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Change Order No. 3 to CSP 2020-303, Construction, Road, Frontier Parkway (CR 5) Paving and Drainage Improvement with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. for a traffic signal at Victory/Worthington Way in the amount of $633,962.85 to be split between Celina and Prosper.  Celina and Prosper will be sending money for their portions of the amendment and once deposited a Budget Amendment to budget the funds will be needed totaling $633,962.85. New contract total is $23,611,984.26. 2007 Bond Fund (4213).
Auditor's Office Action
Bond funds available paid by cities of Prosper and Celina.  Budget amendment will be submitted after funds are deposited.
Commissioners Court
No. 3 for Construction, Road, Frontier Parkway (CR 5) Paving and Drainage Improvement (Contract No. 2020-203) with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. for construction of a temporary wire span traffic signal at the intersection of Frontier Parkway and Victory/Worthington Way, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same; budget amendment in the amount of $633,962.85 upon receipt of funds from the City of Celina and Town of Prosper, Engineering. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: 633,962.85
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: Paid by Prosper and Celina
2: RI07014-4213-750300013-809280
Fund Transfers
FY 2022 Budget Amendment needed totaling $633,962.85 when funds received.
Court Order 2022-559-06-20
Department Memo
Change Order No. 3
Change Order Backup
2252 Certification
Form 1295

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