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AI- 52351
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 08/22/2022  
Retirement and New Employee
Submitted For: Paul Raleeh Submitted By: Shannon Williams
Department: Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Miscellaneous

Department Action
Shannon Williams [my current court administrator] has submitted her letter of intent to retire as of December 31st 2022.  
Please accept this memo as my request to open the JP Court Administration position for new candidates immediately. 
It is my wish to hire this position before Ms. Williams leaves and get her to assist in the training of the newly hired person. 
I had a Clerk 1 position become vacant November 2021 and I have not filled that position.  Therefore, I have unused funds in my budget. The savings from the current JP Court Administrator salary and savings from the vacancy will help cover the costs of the new position.

This request will help generate a smooth transition of this very important court position.  As you may know, this position sets and monitors the court’s budget, generates all of the State’s reports, manages the court funds and check books, works with the auditor and other agencies both inside and outside the county.  There are also responsibilities that I myself would not have the knowledge to train.  The assistance of Ms. Williams training this position would be crucial to the operation of the court.
Your consideration is greatly appreciated.
Respectfully submitted
Purchasing Department Action
No action by Purchasing.
HR and/or IT Action
JP Court Administration is in pay grade 536. If a new hire is hired for this position at min, the starting salary would be $50,049 ($74,823 with fringe cost). If an existing employee is hired to transfer into this position, the salary and fringe would have to be calculated on this individual existing salary before or after PFP increases (if approved and eligible). If approved, the cost of this position would vary on the candidate chosen and the amount of pay periods between hire date and 12/31/2022. 
Budget Department Action
Upon adoption of the FY 2023 budget, savings from the difference in pay between the current JP Court Administrator and the new hire, as well as savings from a vacant Legal Clerk I position, will provide the funding to double fill this position from October 2022 – December 2022.  (0001) - General Fund.
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available in the General Fund.  Budget anticipated to be approved for FY 2023.
Commissioners Court
Temporary Court Administrator position for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, JP1.

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available:
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: 0001-24010-0001-44-10-0000-504010-
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2022-804-08-22

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