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AI- 55028
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 12/04/2023  
Change Order No. 19 to Ratcliff Constructors for Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Fac
Submitted For: Bill Burke Submitted By: Lisa Bunch
Department: Construction Projects  
Request Type: FYI Agenda Area: Miscellaneous

Department Action
FYI to Commissioners Court for contract Change Order No. to Ratliff Constructors for IFB 2021-239, Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 1.
PCO 65 -Architect requested change to add a window type not shown in the plans. 
PCO 68R1 -Architect requested change to move an existing door in the cluster one hallway. The door was not located in the location shown in the 1994 plans. $32,932.91 
PCO 69 -County requested change to add paint to the pre-booking CMU walls. 
PCO 70 -County requested change to weld window frames to columns for added support. As suggested by the general Contractor. $1,911.19 
PCO 71 -County requested change to add a Hose Bibb closer to a new padded violent cell for easier cleanup. $3,324.62 
Total for this change order -$49,850.99 or 0.13% of contract 
Total changes for this contract-$494,700.30 or 1.29% of contract 
Purchasing Department Action
FYI notification to Commissioners Court of Contract Change Order No. 19 to Ratcliff Constructors, L.P. for IFB 2021-239, Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 1 Addition per the attached documents. This change order was previously approved by the County Administrator per Court Order No. 2007-180-02-27. mlm 
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Change Order No. 19 to IFB 2021-239, Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase I Addition with Ratcliff Constructors, L.P. in the amount of $49,850.99. New contract total is $38,754,700.30. 2007 Bond Fund (4020).
Auditor's Office Action
2007 Bond funds available.
Commissioners Court
Change Order No. 19 to Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 1 Addition (IFB No. 2021-239) with Ratcliff Constructors L.P. to provide various changes to the contract, Construction Projects.

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: $49,850.99
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: FI07JAIL-4020-400308002-809101
Fund Transfers
Change Order No. 19
PCO 65
PCO 69

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