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AI- 55041
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 12/04/2023  
FY2024 AMHC Grant Award Acceptance
Submitted By: Donald Bell
Department: 219th District Court  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Miscellaneous

Department Action
The Office of the Governor (OOG) has fully approved Collin County Adult Mental Health Court's (AMHC) request for grant funding for fiscal year 2024. The AMHC and 219th District Court are requesting that the award be accepted. Attached to this agenda item are the Statement of the Grant Award, the award notification email, the details of the grant application, and a memo requesting acceptance of the award. 
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval to accept the Collin County Adult Mental Health Court's (AMHC) approved grant for $447,823 with no County match required. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. gz
HR and/or IT Action
Adult Mental Health Court Grant in the amount of $447,823 with no County match includes a budget of $326,611 for the total estimated amount of salary and fringe cost for 3 existing positions, Supervision Officer CSCD #00300614 (Michelle Garcia), Felony Prosecutor #00300613 (Molly Craft), and Program Coordinator #00300616 (Donald Bell). The estimated cost for these positions has been updated to $349,685 meaning that the grant could run short and will need to be monitored. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. 
Budget Department Action
Request for acceptance of the FY 2024 AHMC Grant award in the amount of $447,823. Per HR, estimated costs of the grant positions have been updated and are now higher than originally estimated, which could result in going over grant budget. Grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. 
Auditor's Office Action
Grant application of state funds in the amount of $447,823 with no county match required by the grantor. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. Grant application had been reviewed by the grant review committee as per attached. 
Commissioners Court
Acceptance of the FY2024 Adult Mental Health Court Grant award in the amount of $447,823 through the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, 219th District Court. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available:
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: GT296
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2023-1181-12-04
Memo Requesting Acceptance
Grant Details
Award Email
Statement of Grant Award
Grant Review Committee Form

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