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AI- 55102
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date:
TxDOT Contribution of Funds for Acquisition of Right-of-Way and Utility Relocations
Submitted For:
Clarence Daugherty
Submitted By:
Dawn Redwine
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
The Commissioners Court approved payment to TxDOT on May 8, 2023, of $8,572,909.50, for the local government ten percent contribution towards acquisition of right-of-way and utility relocations. Since that time, TxDOT has changed their policy and no longer requires this local government contribution.
Since TxDOT will not be requesting these contributions for the other segments of the US 380 Freeway system, and since Collin County had already made the payment for the Sp 399 freeway, TxDOT plans to refund the money to the County. They have prepared a short termination agreement to cover this refund.
Action Requested:
It is recommended that the Commissioners Court approve the attached termination of contribution agreement, authorize the County Judge to execute the agreement and authorize the transfer of the funds from the revenue account into which the refund will be placed to the appropriate expenditure account.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of the Termination of Agreement to Contribute Funds for SS 399 from SH 5 to US 380 and the return of funds in the amount of $8,572,909.50 previously paid. Further, authorize the County Judge to execute same. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request to approve the Termination of Agreement to Contribute Funds for SS 399 from SH 5 to US 380 and return the funds in the amount of $8,572,909.50. Budget Amendment to re-budget the funds will be required once funds are received.
Auditor's Office Action
As per attached.
Commissioners Court
Termination of Agreement to Contribute Funds with TxDOT for SS 399 from SH 5 to US 380 for the acquisition of right of way and relocating utilities, and return funds in the amount of $8,572,909.50 for same, Engineering.
Budget Information
Information about available funds
Funds Available:
Amount Available:
Funds NOT Available:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2023-1146-12-04
Signed Agreement.pdf
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