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AI- 55127
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 12/04/2023  
Acceptance of Grant Award - Juvenile Mental Health Court
Submitted By: Nakeysa Moncier
Department: Juvenile Probation  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Miscellaneous

Department Action
The Juvenile Probation Department has applied for and been awarded a grant through the Office of the Governor’s Criminal Justice Division to support a specialty court designated to provide support and treatment for referred youth and families who are dealing with mental illness.  This treatment court will be operated in partnership with the 417th Judicial Court and LifePath Systems, the counties designated mental health provider.  All grant award funding will be used for treatment court operations. The grant award is for $169,046.79 for 9/1/2023 to 8/31/2024 with no county match.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval to accept the Office of the Governor (OAG) Criminal Justice Division for Specialty Courts grant for Juvenile Probation Mental Health Court for $169,046.79 with no County match required. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. gz
HR and/or IT Action
At application, Juvenile Mental Health Court Program Grant was to cover a total of $193,456 for two (2) existing Juvenile Probation Officer positions estimated salary and fringe. (Positions 201091 and 00300573) The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. However, based on the comment below from Auditor's, the full amount was not received. At this time, the estimated cost of one (1) Juvenile Probation Officer (position #00300573) is estimated as $98,348.00, which is an increase from the estimate at application. The other JPO position assigned to this grant at application (#201091) is now vacant. If this is the position that will stay assigned to this grant, the estimated cost for salary and fringe has reduced to $81,224.00. Based on current estimates and the reduced amount recieved, this grant will not fully fund these positions for the full grant period. 
Budget Department Action
DC-Specialty Courts Grant Program Award for the Juvenile Mental Health Court FY2024 in the amount of $169,046.79. Grant award received is lower than the applied amount. Grant award for one (1) existing grant position (no increase to headcount) funded at an estimated 100% and one (1) existing county position (no increase to headcount) to be partially funded. Grant operational funding for treatment services, training and travel as well as computer equipment and supplies only funded for $4. Collin County will have to budget the remaining estimated cost of the county position as well cover the cost of any operational costs above the $4 awarded amount. Grade, title and salary subject to HR approval upon grant award. Grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
Auditor's Office Action
Grant application had been reviewed by the grant review committee as per attached. Grant award of state funds in the amount of $169,046.79 with no county match required by the grantor. Award is lower than application was submitted for. Case manager position funded at full amount of $92,235, however the JPO position was only funded for $76,807.79. All contractual and professional services, travel and training, equipment and supplies were only funded for $4. 
Grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
Commissioners Court
Acceptance of the FY2024 Juvenile Probation Mental Health Court Grant award in the amount of $169,046.79 through the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division, Juvenile Probation. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available:
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2023-1193-12-04
Award Letter
Grant Application
Grant Review Committee Form

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