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AI- 55345
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 01/22/2024  
Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. Collin County Outer Loop Right-of-Way
Submitted For: Clarence Daugherty Submitted By: Dawn Redwine
Department: Engineering  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Agreement

Department Action
MSSEI was recently awarded a NTTA contract to extend the main lanes of the Dallas North Tollway (DNT) from US 380 to just south of FM 428.
In order to facilitate construction, MSSEI is requesting County approval to use a portion of the CCOL right-of-way just west of the DNT between Huddleston and the DNT southbound frontage road. The property will be used for a temporary field office, temporary concrete batch plant, parking and related equipment and materials (please see the attached letter).
MSSEI is proposing a forty-eight (48) month term at $2,500 per month. They will provide an insurance policy for this operation and will restore the property to a similar condition when they vacate the site.
Engineering has reached out to the City of Celina and they were not opposed to this use or location.  Celina will require MSSEI to pull appropriate permits. Engineering requests Commissioners Court approval of the attached License Agreement.
Recommended Action:  It is requested that the Commissioners Court
-approve the License Agreement with MSSEI
-authorize the auditor to transfer MSSEI payments that will be deposited into the account RI18OL001-4215-750300013-809280
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of a license agreement between Collin County and Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. (MSSEI) for use of certain land having an area of approximately 9.9 acres with the right-of-way of the Collin County Outer Loop located at the northwest corner of the West Outer Loop and the Dallas North Tollway for use as a temporary field office, temporary concrete batch, parking and related equipment and materials and other reasonable ancillary uses, including temporary electrical or water utilities to support the construction of the North Texas Tollway's Dallas North Tollway segment 5 South and Segment 5 North projects for a total of $2500 per month payable to Collin County. Agreement to commence on February 1, 2024 and continue through and including February 29, 2028. Further, authorize the County Judge to execute the agreement. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request for approval of a license agreement with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. (MSSEI) for the use of land for a temporary field office, temporary concrete batch, parking and related equipment and materials and other reasonable uses.  MSSEI will pay $2,500 per month for a term of 48 months.  The request also includes authorization to compete budget amendments for all funds received into project RI18OL001. Contract term is February 1, 2024 through February 29, 2028.
Auditor's Office Action
Revenue received will be recorded in a revenue account associated with this fund and project. A project code budget amendment will be needed to allocate the revenue amount received into a project code expenditure account.
Commissioners Court
License Agreement with Mario Sinacola & Sons Excavating, Inc. to use a portion of the Collin County Outer Loop right of way for a temporary field office, temporary concrete batch, parking, and staging of related equipment and other ancillary uses to support the construction of the North Texas Tollway's Dallas North Tollway Segment 5 South and Segment 5 North projects, Engineering. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: 120,000
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: RI18OL001-4215-750300013-809280
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2024-044-01-22
MSSEI Agreement
Form 1295_Redacted
2252 Certification

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