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AI- 51708
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date:
Variance request for building line setback on Lot # 8 of Moores Lake Estates
Submitted For:
Clarence Daugherty
Submitted By:
Mike Sullivan
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
Sandor Hernandez and Denisse Vazquez, owners of lot #8 within the Moores Lake Estates phase 1, have requested a variance for building line setbacks.
Lot # 8 is on the corner of FM 2755 and Carter Drive, with the front facing Carter Dr. The Collin County Subdivision Regulations require setbacks from roads (none on the side or back of lots). However, when the side of a lot is platted along a major road, such as FM 2755, the regulations would dictate there has to be a setback along FM 2755 in addition to the setback from the residential street. The required setback is 50’ for a major road.
The property owners would like to request a variance to reduce the 50’ building setback along their side lot to 45’ for the construction of a new house. The Engineering staff sees no substantial degradation of the spacing that is given by setbacks in this case. The FM ROW is 90 feet, placing the travel lanes approximately 30 feet from the ROW/property line in addition to the 50’ setback. There is the risk in the future of needing to grant such a variance again if another circumstance that is the same as this occurs. However, these circumstances are extremely rare; as far as the staff has records, this is the first such request. If this variance is approved, the owners of lot #8 will be required to submit a Minor Re-plat to the Engineering department for review and approval.
We request consideration for the subdivision regulations variance request made by the owners of Lot 8 of the Moore’s Lake Estates Phase 1, to reduce the building setback line along FM 2755 from 50’ to 40’.
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Commissioners Court
Subdivision regulations variance request for building line setback on Lot No. 8 of Moores Lake Estates Phase 1, Engineering.
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