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AI- 54637
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 09/25/2023  
construct the northern, future westbound service roads -CCOL from Custer Rd. (FM 2478) to US 75
Submitted For: Clarence Daugherty Submitted By: Bridell Miers
Department: Engineering  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Advertisement

Department Action
The Engineering Department requests Commissioners’ Court authorization to advertise for construction of the northern, future westbound service roads for the CCOL from Custer Rd. (FM 2478) to US 75 (approximately 8.9 miles).
Our engineer estimates that construction will talke 27 months to complete at an approximate cost of $71,265,000.
If approved, we anticipate a contract will be awarded in November, construction to begin in January with an estimated completion of Spring 2026.
To fund the construction costs, the department also requests approval of several budget adjustments. All of the accounts we are proposing to transfer funds from are old accounts that we are depleting with the exception of the last transfer.  The department is requesting authorization to use funds allocated for ROW acquisition of Segment 5 (2023 Bond Sale - RI18OL004), in the amount of $26,020,863.30, to help cover the deficit of funds, leaving $14M in the Segment 5 allocation. If it is needed, it is proposed to replace the Segment 5 funds using funds from the 2023 Bond Program if it is approved by the voters.
Recommended Action:  It is requested that the Commissioners Court
-authorize to advertise for bids to construct the northern, future westbound service roads for the Collin County Outer Loop (CCOL) from Custer Rd. (FM 2478) to US 75
-authorize the auditor to transfer:
From: RAOL001-0001-750300013-809281 (Utility Construction)
To: RAOL002-001-750300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOL001-0001-750300013-809281 (ROW)
To: RAOL002-001-750300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOL001-5999-770300013-809682 (ROW)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOL003-5999-770300013-809682 (ROW)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOL75IN-5999-770300013-809250 (Consultants)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOL75IN-5999-770300013-809682 (ROW)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RAOLSCH1-5999-77030013-809250 (Consultants)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: No Project Allocated-5999-809250 (Consultants)
To: RAOL002-5999-770300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809682 (ROW)
To: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RI18OL004-4021-750300013-809250 (Consultants)
To: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809250 (Consultants)
From: RI18OL004-4021-750300013-809250 (Consultants)
To: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809280 (Construction)
From: RI18OL004-4030-750300013-809682 (ROW)
To: RI18OL002-4021-750300013-809280 (Construction)
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of specifications for  2023-303 Construction, Collin County Outer Loop Segment 3C from FM 2478 to US 75 and advertise for same. ED
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available for 2023-303, Construction, Collin County Outer Loop Segment 3C from FM 2478 to US 75. Budget Adjustments in the amount of $46,589,971.97 are attached.  
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available as needed.  Budget amendment will be processed upon approval.
Commissioners Court
Construction, Collin County Outer Loop Segment 3C from FM 2478 to US 75 (IFB No. 2023-303), Engineering. 

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available:
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: RI18OL002 various
2: RAOL002 various
Fund Transfers
FY 2023 Budget Adjustments Totaling $46,589,971.97.
Court Order 2023-872-09-25
OL Location Map
Legal Notice
Bid Packet
Journal Proof 218
Journal Proof 634

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