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AI- 56134
Commissioners Court
Meeting Date: 07/01/2024  
No. 6 to CP&Y FM 2551 from FM 2514 to FM 2170, 2007 Bond Project # 07-00-20
Submitted For: Clarence Daugherty Submitted By: Dawn Redwine
Department: Engineering  
Request Type: CONSENT Agenda Area: Amendment

Department Action
The Engineering Department requests that the contract with CP&Y for services related to the FM 2551 Project be increased by the amount of $46,420.00 for Amendment #6. The overall purpose for this amendment is additional drainage analysis and plan preparation for the mitigation of stormwater runoff related to the FM 2551 project in Allen, TX.  
This increase (Exhibit A) will provide:
  • Additional Survey in the parcel northeast corner of FM 2551 and FM 2170 and additional existing storm sewer elevation shots around the intersection. Survey of the detention pond to only be acquired above the normal pool elevation and tree survey for any trees over 6” caliper will be performed.
  • Updates to Detention Basin Analysis, including refining the pre vs post condition analysis based on the above survey data, using Bentley PondPack.
  • Updates to the Technical memorandum deliverable, refining the PondPack model findings and the volumetric addition needed to the surveyed detention basin to store excess from the proposed FM 2551 roadway improvements.
  • Develop change order deliverable to be included in the FM 2551 construction plans consisting of proposed detention basin modification grading layout for volumetric addition to the existing, surveyed detention pond mentioned above.
There is $0 available in the RI070020 (Consultants) account. The full amount of Amendment #6 ($46,420.00) will be covered with the following budget adjustment:
$46,420.00 FROM RI18005CO-4025-750300013-809682 (ROW)
TO RI18070020-4025-750300013-809250 (Consultants)
CP&Y’s current contract amount is $2,751,468. With the design increase, the new contract amount with CP&Y will be $2,797,888.

It is requested that the Commissioners Court approve Amendment #6 to the CP&Y contract in the amount of $46,420 for the FM 2551 Project and further authorize the necessary budget amendments from within RI18005CO and RI070020 project codes.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of contract amendment No. 6 to the contract with CP&Y, Inc. d/b/a STV Infrastructure, AGR 08345-12, Professional Services, Engineering, FM2551 from FM2541 to FM2170, to add additional drainage analysis and plan preparation for the mitigation of storm water runoff related FM2551 project for a total of $46,420 and new project total of $2,797,888.00. Further, authorize the Purchasing Agent to execute same. MD
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request approval of Contract Amendment No. 6 in the amount of $46,420 to AGR 08345-12, Professional Services, Engineering, FM2551 from FM2541 to FM2170 with CP&Y, Inc. d/b/a STV Infrastructure. Budget Adjustment is included to fund the amendment. New contract total is $2,797,888. 2018 Bond Fund (4025).
Auditor's Office Action
2018 Bond funds available.  Budget amendment will be processed upon approval.
Commissioners Court
No. 6 to Professional Services, Engineering, FM 2551 from FM 2514 to FM 2170 (Agreement No. 08345-12) with CP&Y, Inc. dba STV Infrastructure to add additional drainage analysis and plan preparation for the mitigation of storm water runoff related to FM 2551 project, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Engineering.

Budget Information
Information about available funds
Budgeted: Funds Available: Adjustment: Amount Available: 46,420
Unbudgeted: Funds NOT Available: Amendment:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
1: RI18070020-4025-750300013-809250
Fund Transfers
FY 2024 Budget Adjustment Totaling $46,420.
Court Order 2024-603-07-01
Contract Amendment No. 6
Amendment 6
2252 Certification
Form 1295
Journal Proof

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