The Information Technology department is requesting that Commissioners Court authorize award of the SQL Server storage system to Unique Digital, Inc as the lowest cost vendor. The project cost of $119,000 is funded under account code 0001-06019-0009-41-40-0000-809002 and project code TAK0608-0001-060190009-809002.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action to award IFB 2021-366 Dell PowerStore 3000 to Unique Digital, Inc., the best and lowest bid. ha
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available in the amount of $119,000 for the award of IFB 2021-366, Dell PowerStore 3000. General Fund (0001).
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available in the General Fund.
Commissioners Court
Dell PowerStore 3000 (IFB No. 2021-366) to Unique Digital, Inc., Information Technology.