Collin County Sheriffs Office- Inmate Commissary Account Payments
Submitted For:
Jim Skinner
Submitted By:
Katie Elder
Sheriff's Office
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
I am requesting approval to use the Collin County Sheriff’s Office, Fund 734 – Inmate Commissary Account Number 700020134, to make payment for the following:
CCI MRT, inmate MRT program books *Reoccurring cost* Requesting permission to order. MRT Order page attached for the amount of $4,474.28
Total amount invoiced $4,474.28
Victory Supply, Inmate laundry items.*Reoccurring cost* Requesting permission to order. Quote 0042943 attached for the amount of $8,326.64
Total amount invoiced $8,326.64
Grainger, Electrolyte Sports Drink Mix, Liquid Concentrate, *Reoccurring cost* Requesting permission to order. Quote QTE1929063246 attached for the amount of $16,344.00.
Total amount invoiced $16,344.00
Victory Supply#2, Inmate clothing items.*Reoccurring cost* Requesting permission to order. Quote 0042943 attached for the amount of $11,712.48
Total amount invoiced $11,712.48
Academy Computer Services, Inc., *Reoccurring cost*
Invoice # CC03312022, amount $1,663.00, due date N/A Total amount invoiced $1,663.00
Notification of price increase for Intuit (QuickBooks). On March 21, 2022, AI-51802, item #6 was approved for payment of $3,331.52. On April 2, 2022 Intuit charged Katie Elder’s P-Card for yearly payment and the total charged was $3,744.00, difference of $412.48. Requesting Commissioners Court approval to pay $3,744.00 for the Intuit service.
Total amount to reimburse $3,744.00
Total requesting to disperse from the Collin County Sheriff’s Office, Fund 734 – Inmate Commissary Account Number 700020134, $46,264.40
Purchasing Department Action
No action by Purchasing. Purchasing processes and procedures will apply to all purchases at or exceeding $50,000.
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request to pay $46,264.40 from Commissary.
Auditor's Office Action
Commissary funds available.
Commissioners Court
Payment of various invoices in the amount of $46,264.40 utilizing Inmate Commissary Funds, Sheriff.