Renewal of HHSC Grant - Jail Discharge Planning Program
Submitted For:
Andrea Bouressa
Submitted By:
Alyse Ferguson
471st District Court
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded a grant for the continuation of the jail discharge planning program. The grant is for a 1 year period effective 9/1/2022-8/31/2023. The one year grant funds are $36,456 with the county match of $36,456. One employee is covered through the grant. The grant continues to focus on coordinating the releases of inmates from the Collin County jail and transitioning them to services in the community in efforts to close gaps and reduce incidence of re-incarceration. The contract will require use of HHSC database system and invoice and payment of the grant funds.
Request for Commissioner's Court approval of HHSC grant. The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded a grant for the continuation of the jail discharge planning program. The grant is for a 1 year period effective 9/1/2022-8/31/2023. The one year grant funds are $36,456 with the county match of $36,456. One employee is covered through the grant. The grant continues to focus on coordinating the releases of inmates from the Collin County jail and transitioning them to services in the community in efforts to close gaps and reduce incidence of re-incarceration.
Purchasing Department Action
No action by Purchasing - (personnel only)
HR and/or IT Action
Grant award in the amount of $36,456 in State Funds and a County match of $36,456 required for salary and fringe benefits of one position performing coordinated release duties. Currently, this position is Case Coordinator (00300412). Grant award offsets the total cost of this position's salary and fringe and provides 47% of required funding. Grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
Budget Department Action
Community Mental Health Grant award in the amount of $36,456 in State Funds and a County match of $36,456 required. Funding to be used for salary and fringe benefits of one position performing coordinated release duties. Grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. (2580) – State Grants Fund.
Auditor's Office Action
Grant renewal award has been reviewed by the grant review committee as per attached. State funds in the amount of $36,456 with a required County cash match of $36,456. Grant period is 9/1/2022 through 8/31/23. Grant funding for salary, fringe benefits, travel, supplies and other expenditures for the position of a Coordinated Release Case Manager.
Commissioners Court
Acceptance of the FY2022/2023 Community Mental Health Grant Program award in the amount of $36,456 with a county match of $36,456 through the Department of Health and Human Services, 471st District Court.
Budget Information
Information about available funds
Funds Available:
Amount Available:
Funds NOT Available:
Account Code(s) for Available Funds
(2580) State Grants Fund
Fund Transfers
Court Order 2022-567-06-20
Renewal of HHSC Grant - Jail Discharge Planning Program