Budget Adjustment for funds received from City of Anna in connection with Bond Project 07-00-57
Submitted For:
Clarence Daugherty
Submitted By:
Dawn Redwine
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Budget Adj/Amend
Department Action
In 2016, Commissioners Court approved an ILA with the City of Anna to loan $1,120,000 to the city for utility relocations along US 75 from The Collin County Outer Loop to FM 455.
The ILA stipulates that once the city received reimbursement from TxDOT, the money would come back to the county.
The funds were received by the County Treasury and deposited into the revenue account for the respective project code. The requested BA will move the funds from a revenue account to an expenditure account within the project code they were originally paid out of.
Bond project 07-00-57 is complete and funds are no longer needed. Therefore, an additional BA is requested to move the funds received from Anna ($1,120,000), and the remaining funds ($268,631) in that project code, from the expenditure account into a 07 Discretionary account.
Action Requested: It is requested that Commissioners Court authorize the budget adjustment of moving
$1,120,000 4213-75030-0013-68-00-0000-432005 TO RI070057-4213-750300013-809682
$1,388,631 RI070057-4213-750300013-809682 TO RI070000-4213-750300013-698801
Purchasing Department Action
No action by Purchasing.
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request for a Budget Amendment to re-budget funds returned by the City of Anna in the amount of $1,120,000 for utility relocations and then move the funds received back as well as the remaining $268,631 in the project that is not needed into the 2007 Road Bonds Discretionary project code for re-allocation at a future date. See attached Budget Adjustment for details. 2007 Road Bonds Fund (4213).
Auditor's Office Action
Reimbursement of funds received on July 27, 2022.
Commissioners Court
$1,388,631 to reallocate returned and unused funds to the 2007 Road Bonds Discretionary project, Engineering.