The City of Sachse received funding for 2007 Bond Project RI07089, Maxwell Creek and RI07087 Ranch Road projects. These projects are complete and there is a total of $154,605 remaining in these accounts.
The City of Sachse is asking for permission to reallocate the remaining funds to Signal Improvements at Ranch Road and Dewitt Road and Woodbridge Parkway and Code Lane. The Interlocal Agreement has been approved by the City of Sachse and is attached.
A new project code RI070075 will be set up as a result of this request and a budget adjustment will also be required to move the funding and is as follows:
$146,017 FROM RI07089-4213-750300013-809280 TO RI070075-4213-750300013-809280. $8,588 FROM RI07087-4211-750300013-809280 TO RI070075-4211-750300013-809280
ACTION: We request Commissioners Court consider approval of: 1) The Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sachse for New Project RI070075 - Signal Improvements for $154,605 and; 2) Approve the associated budget adjustment to move the funding into the new project code account.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Sachse concerning traffic signal improvements at Ranch Road and Dewitt Road and Woodbridge Parkway and Cody Lane, New 2007 Bond Project RI070075. Further, authorize the County Judge to execute same. MD
Collin County's participation is a NTE $154,605.00.
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available in the amount of $154,605 for an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Sachse for the re-allocation of project savings to a new project for traffic signal improvements at Ranch Road and Dewitt Road and Woodbridge Parkway and Cody Lane. Budget Adjustment included in the amount of $154,605. 2007 Bond Funds (4211 & 4213).
Auditor's Office Action
Bond funds available.
Commissioners Court
Interlocal Agreement with the City of Sachse (2007 Bond Project No. RI070075) for traffic signal improvements at Ranch Road and Dewitt Road and Woodbridge Parkway and Cody Lane, Engineering.