Final Plat and Street Sign Plan for Redbud Estates
Submitted For:
Clarence Daugherty
Submitted By:
Mike Sullivan
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
Celina Ventures, LLC., owner and developer of Redbud Estates, requests Commissioners Court consideration of the attached Final Plat and street sign plan for Redbud Estates.
Redbud Estates will be subdivided into 27 residential lots and 1 HOA lot. The lots will range from 1.0 to 1.1 acres. On-site sewage facilities systems are suitable for this subdivision. Water will be supplied to the subdivision by Mustang SUD. The 100-year flood plain is not present on the property. Not all lots front on an existing county road; therefore, road construction is required.
The plat generally meets the County’s SUBDIVISION RULES as outlined in Section 1.05 of the Collin County Subdivision Regulations and authorized under Local Government Code (LGC) 232; however, the developer will be required to make the necessary technical edits. Those items will be outlined in a detailed punch list to the developer within 10 days following Court’s conditional approval and will cite the reference in the County’s Subdivision Regulations and LGC.
In addition, the owner has submitted a street sign plan for the development. The plan was prepared by a Texas licensed professional engineer according to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The Engineering department has reviewed and concurs with the submitted street sign plan.
ACTION We request Commissioners Court consideration for: 1) The approval of the Final Plat of Redbud Estates, with the condition that the developer make the necessary technical edits, based on LGC 232.001 and 232.003, and 2) Approval of the street sign plan for Redbud Estates.
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Commissioners Court
Final plat and street sign plan for Redbud Estates, Engineering.