Acceptance of Grant Award - Juvenile Mental Health Court
Submitted By:
Nakeysa Moncier
Juvenile Probation
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
The Juvenile Probation Department has applied for and been awarded a grant through the Office of the Governor’s Criminal Justice Division to support a specialty court designated to provide support and treatment for referred youth and families who are dealing with mental illness. This treatment court will be operated in partnership with the 417th Judicial Court and LifePath Systems, the counties designated mental health provider. All grant award funding will be used for treatment court operations. The grant award is for $153,678.90 for 9.1.22 to 8.31.23 with no county match.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval to accept the Office of the Governor (OOG) grant for Juvenile Mental Health Court for $153,678.90 with no County match required. The grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. gz
HR and/or IT Action
Grant award of state funds in the amount of $153,678.90. Per information from the Auditor's Office information (Ashley Burns), the grant is now going to fund 2 existing Juvenile Probation positions (00300573) and (201091). Awarded amount is not sufficient to cover the salary and fringe costs of these 2 positions at the current incumbents' salary. Additional funding of approximately $29,000 will be necessary. Grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
Budget Department Action
Specialty Courts Grant Program FY2023 award in the amount of $153,678.90 for two (2) existing positions (no increase to headcount) at grade 535. Grant award is less than application amount and award is not sufficient to cover the salary and fringe costs of these two positions. No county match required. Grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
Auditor's Office Action
Grant application had been reviewed by the grant review committee as per attached. Grant award of state funds in the amount of $153,678.90 with no county match required. Grant award is less than application amount. Grant period is September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023.
Commissioners Court
Acceptance of the FY 2023 Juvenile Mental Health Court grant in the amount of $153,678.90 through the Office of the Governor, Juvenile Probation.