Public Works requests Commissioners Court approval for change order to IFB 2022-283, Road Materials Asphaltic Concrete with Austin Asphalt, Inc.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and action regarding approval of change order No. 1 to IFB 2022-283 Road Materials, Asphaltic Concrete with Austin Asphalt, Inc. per the attached documentation, and further allow Purchasing Agent to execute the same. The contract period is October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. gz
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available for Change Order No.1 to IFB No. 2022-283 Road Materials, Asphaltic Concrete with Austin Asphalt, Inc. Change order to make various changes to the contract. Contract period through September 30, 2023. (1010)-Road and Bridge Fund.
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available in the Road and Bridge Fund.
Commissioners Court
No. 1 to Road Materials, Asphaltic Concrete (IFB No. 2022-283) with Austin Asphalt, Inc. to provide various changes to the contract and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Public Works.