ILA-CofFrisco-2018 Bond Project 0I18PG30, Powerline Hike and Bike Trail project
Submitted For:
Clarence Daugherty
Submitted By:
Dawn Redwine
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
Commissioners Court approved the funding recommendations for the 2018 Parks and Open Space Bond, 4th Series, Project Funding Assistance Program on October 10, 2022 (CO# 2022-1112-10-10). The City of Frisco’s Powerline Hike and Bike Trail project was granted $250,681.00 in funding. Action Requested: It is recommended that the Commissioners Court approve and execute the attached Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Frisco for the Powerline Hike and Bike Trail project, ($250,681.00) bond project OI18PG30.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Frisco concerning the Powerline Hike and Bike Trail project; Bond Project OI18PG30. Further, authorize the County Judge to execute same. MD
Collin County's participation is a NTE $250,681.00.
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Budgeted funds available in the amount of $250,681 for the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco for the Powerline Hike and Bike Trail Project (OI18PG30). Funding to come from the 2018 Parks and Open Space Fourth Series Project Funding Assistance Program. 2018 Bond Fund (4029).
Auditor's Office Action
Bond funds available.
Commissioners Court
Interlocal Agreement with the City of Frisco concerning the Powerline Hike and Bike Trail Project (Bond Project No. OI18PG30), Engineering.