The mission of the AMHC Program is to reduce recidivism in our community by emphasizing treatment, stability, and accountability for the offenders with a qualifying mental health diagnosis and those with an Intellectual Developmental Disability. The goal of the AMHC Program is to divert offenders with metal health issues out of the traditional criminal justice process and into appropriate rehabilitation alternatives. The program will utilize the multisystem approach to help participants with mental health needs. The Treatment Team incorporates robust and evidence-based mental health screening, risk assessment, and treatment interventions into an intensive community supervision model. The program will use a non-adversarial approach involving prosecutors, community supervision, treatment providers, and defense attorneys to promote public safety and to protect the due process rights of the participants. The program will serve adult participants allowing them to make significant changes in their lives so that they can avoid further involvement with the criminal justice system.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval to apply for a grant through Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division for Adult Mental Health Court for $447,823 with no County match required. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. gz
HR and/or IT Action
Adult Mental Health Court Grant in the amount of $447,823 with no County match includes a budget of $326,611 for the total estimated amount of salary and fringe cost for 3 existing positions, Supervision Officer CSCD - AMHG, Felony Prosecutor-AMHG, and Program Coordinator-AMHG. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
Budget Department Action
Grant application in the amount $447,823 in state funds with no county match required. Grant application for three (3) existing positions: Program Coordinator, Supervision Officer/Case Manager and a Counselor. In addition to personnel, grant will cover contractual and professional services, training and travel, equipment and supplies, and other operating expenses. The grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024.
Auditor's Office Action
Grant application for state funds in the amount of $447,823 with no county match required. Grant period is September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. Grant is for Diversion program for mentally ill or intellectual defendants that need services as an alternative to subjecting those defendants to the criminal justice system. This will be a 1-year grant period.
Grant application has been reviewed by the grant review committee as per attached.
Commissioners Court
Grant application for the FY2024 Adult Mental Health Court Grant through the Office of the Governor, Public Safety Office, Criminal Justice Division, 219th District Court.