This is notification to establish the budget for the FY 2023 US Marshals Service in the amount of $45,000 from Federal funding. The grant period is from October 3, 2022 through September 30, 2023. The grant is for Sheriff’s Office deputies’ overtime during the investigation and apprehension of local, state and federal fugitives who have warrants out for their arrests. The grant was approved in Commissioners Court on AI-53594.
Purchasing Department Action
No action by Purchasing.
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Establishment of the budget for the FY 2023 US Marshals Service Grant in the amount of $45,000. See Auditor's attached budget amendment for details.
Auditor's Office Action
Budget amendment has been processed as per attached in the amount of $45,000. The grant period is October 3, 2022 through September 30, 2023.
Commissioners Court
$45,000 to establish the budget for the FY2023 US Marshals Service Grant, Auditor.