Change Order No. 4 to Construction, New Office Building for Precinct 2, M-PAK Construction
Submitted For:
Bill Burke
Submitted By:
Lisa Bunch
Construction Projects
Request Type:
Agenda Area:
Department Action
FYI to Commissioners Court for Change Order No. 4 to IFB No. 2020-272, Construction, New Office Building for Precinct 2, M-PAK Construction.
PCO 7 – Owner requested change from double-glazed storefront doors to single door to accommodate steel opening. Opening size corrected in shop drawing phase but credit not settled until the building was complete. ($3,882.82)
PCO 12 – Architect requested credit for solar film not installed on west side windows. Manufacturer would not warrant glass with the film installed. ($1,942.50)
PCO 14 – Owner requested credit for three network switches shown on plans but not required by I.T. ($18,625.80)
Total for this change order – ($24,451.12) or 1.10% of contract
Total changes for this contract – $8,601.38 or 0.39% of contract
Purchasing Department Action
FYI notification to Commissioners Court of Contract Change Order No. 4 to M-Pak Construction, Inc. for Construction, New Office Building for Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace & Constable, IFB 2020-272 per the attached documents. This change order was previously approved by the County Administrator per Court Order No. 2007-180-02-27. (ha)
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Request for approval of Change Order No. 4 to 2020-272, Construction, New Office Building for Precinct 2 with M-PAK Construction in the amount of -$24,451.12. New contract total is $2,223,601.38. 2018 Tax Notes (4406).
Auditor's Office Action
Change order to Tax Notes Fund.
Commissioners Court
Change Order No. 4 to Construction, New Office Building for Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace & Constable (IFB No. 2020-272) with M-Pak Construction, Inc. to make various changes to the contract, Construction & Projects.