Respectfully requesting approval to purchase automatic AI driven threat detection software for courthouse security.
Purchasing Department Action
Request Commissioners Court consideration and any action regarding approval of Coop Quote No. 2024-340, X-Ray Scanner Software Upgrades, Maintenance & Repairs through Omnia Partners cooperative contract 12-14 to LINEV Systems US, Inc. (ha)
HR and/or IT Action
Budget Department Action
Funds available in the amount of $39,960 for the award of Coop Quote 2024-340, X-Ray Scanner Software Upgrades, Maintenance & Repairs. Maintenance is budgeted in the Courthouse Security Fund (0029) and a Budget Amendment is attached in the amount of $27,960 for the purchase of the AI Software Upgrades utilizing the Courthouse Facility Fund (1068).
Auditor's Office Action
Funds available in the Courthouse Security Fund (0029). Budget amendment will be processed upon approval in the Courthouse Facility Fund (1068).
Commissioners Court
X-Ray Scanner Software Upgrades, Maintenance & Repairs (Coop Quote No. 2024-340) to LINEV Systems US, Inc. through Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract No. 12-14, and budget amendment in the amount $27,960 for the purchase of software upgrades utilizing the Courthouse Facility Fund, Sheriff.