Collin County Commissioners Court
Jack Hatchell Administration Building
4th Floor, 2300 Bloomdale Road, McKinney
August 5, 2024, 1:30 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:

Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the following business matters:

Invocation – Commissioner Hale

Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Fletcher

Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag – Commissioner Williams


1. AI-56376   
Notification Only
Personnel Appointments, Human Resources. 


1. AI-56314   
Notification Only
Intra-County account transfers transmitted July 11, 2024, Auditor. 
2. AI-56338   
Notification Only
Intra-County account transfers transmitted July 18, 2024, Auditor.
3. AI-56319   
Notification Only
Addendum No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 to Construction, Emergency Generator Fueling System Replacement (IFB No. 2024-282) to make various changes to the Invitation for Bid, Purchasing. 
4. AI-56401   
Notification Only
Change Order No. 6 CCADF Medical Mental Health Expansion (CSP No. 2023-398) with Sedalco, Inc. to provide various changes to the contract, Construction & Projects.
5. AI-56360   
Notification Only
Change Order No. 29 to Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 1 (IFB No. 2021-239) with Ratcliff Constructors, L.P. to provide various changes to the contract, Construction & Projects.
6. AI-56366   
Notification Only
Voluntary Terminations, Human Resources.
7. AI-56367   
Notification Only
Turnover, Human Resources.



Public comments related to an item on the Agenda.

If a member of the public would like to address the Court, a properly completed Public Comment Form must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.  Each speaker shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes for public comments.


Consent Agenda Items:

a. AI-56293   Approved Disbursements for the period ending July 30, 2024, Auditor.
b. AI-56294   Approved Indigent Defense Disbursements, Auditor.
c. AI-56353   Approved Tax refunds totaling $185,473.76, Tax Assessor-Collector.


1. AI-56291   Approved Design Services for Collin County Animal Shelter Adoption Center (RFQ No. 2024-345), Construction & Projects.
2. AI-56317   Approved Furnish and Install Bed Covers and Bed Slides on County Vehicles (IFB No. 2024-317), Public Works. 


1. AI-56362   Approved Healthcare, Medical Examiner and Parking Garage Facilities (CSP No. 2024-018), and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute the Construction Agreement, Construction & Projects.
2. AI-56307   Approved Concrete Sidewalk Repair at Myers Park (Coop Quote No. 2024-388) to GG Contractors, LLC d/b/a G2 General Contractors through TIPS Cooperative Contract No. 211001, Facilities. 
3. AI-56346   Approved YMCA Adventure Camp RTU Replacement (Contract No. 2024-407) to Trane U.S. Inc. through Omnia Partners Cooperative Contract No. 3341, Facilities.


1. AI-56299   Approved Annual contract with Collin County Community Supervision and Corrections Department to establish a system for CSCD employee benefits, Adult Probation. 
2. AI-56344   Approved Interlocal Cooperation Contract between Collin County Community Supervision and Corrections Department and Collin County Substance Abuse, to provide substance abuse evaluations for the period September 1, 2024 through and including August 31, 2025, Adult Probation.
3. AI-56363   Approved Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Medical Transport Services (Agreement No. 2024-410) with the City of Wylie, Fire Marshal.
4. AI-56339   Approved Tax Collection Services Agreement between the Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector and Collin County Municipal Utility District No. 10, Tax Assessor-Collector.
5. AI-56340   Approved Tax Collection Services Agreement between the Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector and the City of Celina Cross Creek Meadow Public Improvement District, Tax Assessor-Collector.
6. AI-56341   Approved Tax Collection Services Agreement between the Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector and the City of Celina Parvin Public Improvement District, Tax Assessor-Collector.
7. Funding Agreements for funding through the 2024 Historical Commission Grant Program, Historical Commission:
a. AI-56306   Approved Allen Heritage Guild in the amount of $3,371 for a split-rail fence for the Allen Heritage Village Barn. 
b. AI-56308   Approved Anna Area Historical Preservation Society in the amount of $1,350 for a wood-burning stove and to create a statuette of Anna citizen, Kewpie Morgan. 
c. AI-56309   Approved Collin County Genealogical Society in the amount of $3,643 for digitizing McKinney City and Collin County directories. 
d. AI-56310   Approved Farmersville Historical Society in the amount of $3,500 to restore a damaged bathroom. 
e. AI-56311   Approved Heard-Craig Center for the Arts in the amount of $800 for a Collin County oral history project. 
f. AI-56312   Approved Heard-Craig Center for the Arts in the amount of $584 for digitizing Heard-Craig ledgers.
g. AI-56313   Approved Wylie Historical Society in the amount of $3,752 for brochures and guidebooks.


1. AI-56343   Approved Addendum No. 1 to Dealer Deputy Agreement between Collin County Tax Assessor-Collector and Ewing Buick-Plano, L.P. d/b/a Ewing Buick GMC to increase inventory and bond amount, Tax Assessor-Collector.
2. AI-56287   Approved No. 1 to Agreement Parkhill Prairie Restoration (Contract No. 2023-031) with The Nature Conservancy to add Exhibit A Scope of Services and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Engineering.
3. AI-56330   Approved No. 2 to Personal Services Agreement for the VALOR Program (Contract No. 2024-208) with Zuzi Gomez-Chang to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the payment schedule, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
4. AI-56331   Approved No. 2 to Personal Services Agreement for the VALOR Program (Contract No. 2024-268) with Jameson Miller to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the payment schedule, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
5. AI-56337   Approved No. 2 to Personal Services Agreement for the VALOR Program (Contract No. 2024-122) with Denise Martinez to extend the contract through and including September 30, 2024, update the payment schedule, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
6. AI-56334   Approved No. 2 to Personal Services Agreement for the Veterans Court (Contract No. 2023-333) with Lyndell Benoit to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the payment schedule, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
7. AI-56335   Approved No. 3 to Personal Services Agreement for the Veterans Court (Contract No. 2024-209) with William Brownfield to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the payment schedule, and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
8. AI-56326   Approved No. 4 to Personal Services Agreement, VALOR Program (Contract No. 2023-101) with Amanda Garcia to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the pay schedule and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.
9. AI-56333   Approved No.4 to Personal Services Agreement, Veterans Court (Contract No. 2023-121) with Amanda Garcia to extend the contract through and including June 30, 2025, update the payment schedule and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, 296th District Court.

Change Order(s):

1. AI-56365   Approved No. 5 to Construction: Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 2 Addition, CUP (Contract No. 2022-299) with Sedalco, Inc. to add three (3) 1000-ton chillers to the new modular enclosure and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Construction & Projects.
2. AI-56368   Approved No. 30 to Construction, Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 1 Addition (IFB No. 2021-239) with Ratcliff Constructors, L.P. to add PCO 105 and PCO 110 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Construction & Projects.
i. Contract Renewal(s):
1. AI-56355   Approved Professional Services: Waterproofing and Roofing Consulting (Contract 2023-324) with DRYTEC Moisture Protection Technology Consultants, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Construction & Projects.
2. AI-56329   Approved Veterinary and Animal Care Supplies (Contract No. 2023-176C) with Infinity Supply & Service, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Development Services.
3. AI-56328   Approved Veterinary and Animal Care Supplies (Contract No. 2023-176B) with Mercedes Medical, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Development Services.
4. AI-56327   Approved Veterinary and Animal Care Supplies (Contract No. 2023-176A) with Boxes 4 U, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Development Services. 
5. AI-56325   Approved Professional Services, General Civil Engineering (Contract No. 2021-296) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Engineering. 
6. AI-56332   Approved Chiller Maintenance (Contract No. 2022-453) with Johnson Controls, Inc. to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including September 30, 2025, Facilities.

Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):

1. AI-56342   Approved $500 to replace a printer, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2. 
2. AI-56304   Approved $2,150 for the purchase of a glass and metal kiln, utilizing Farm Museum Memorial Funds, Special Projects. 

Receive and File, Auditor:

1. AI-56349   Approved Monthly Financial Reports for May 2024. 


1. AI-56316   Approved Appointment of Election Judges and Alternate Judges for a two (2) year term ending July 31, 2026, Elections.
2. AI-56356   Approved Purchase of 100 VoteSafe Field System Licenses from VOTEC, Elections. 
3. AI-56303   Approved Rescind Court Order No. 2023-1049-10-16 and final plat of Golden Ranches West, Engineering. 
4. AI-56321   Approved Final Plat for Acorn North Phase 1, Engineering. 
5. AI-56322   Approved Final Plat for Acorn South, Engineering. 
6. AI-56348   Approved Sale of land to TxDOT for the US 380 Freeway, and Possession and Use Agreement for same, Engineering. 
7. AI-56336   Approved Redesignate Private Road 6008 as Blackland Trail with associated address updates, GIS/Rural Addressing. 
8. AI-56351   Approved Purchase of two (2) Ingenico Lane 7000 credit card machines from Tyler Technologies for courts and justice departments, Information Technology. 
9. AI-56374   Approved Boards & Commissions Appointments, Commissioners Court. 
10. AI-56378   Approved Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
11. AI-56379   Approved Personnel Changes, Human Resources.

Executive Session Items:


Executive Session, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.


Any action resulting from the executive session.


The Commissioners Court reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Chapter 551, Open Meetings, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075 and 551.076, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Collin County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code or as otherwise may be permitted under chapter 551.

Public Comments not related to an item on the Agenda.

If a member of the public would like to address the Court, a properly completed Public Comment Form must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.  Each speaker shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes for public comments.



Chris Hill

I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was filed and posted to this office located in the City of McKinney, Texas, on this the _______ day of _______________, 2024 at _______ o'clock _____.M.

Stacey Kemp, County Clerk
Collin County, T E X A S



NOTE: The Collin County Commissioners Court complies with A.D.A. requirements. If you have an impairment and wish to appear at a meeting, please call (972) 548-4631 to make arrangements.