Collin County Commissioners Court
Jack Hatchell Administration Building
4th Floor, 2300 Bloomdale Road, McKinney
January 27, 2025, 1:30 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that the Collin County Commissioners Court will meet in REGULAR SESSION. Following is the agenda for said meeting:

Call to order. The court will convene in open session for consideration of the following business matters:

Invocation – Judge Hill

Pledge of Allegiance – Commissioner Fletcher

Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag – Commissioner Williams


1. AI-57383   
Notification Only
Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.


1. AI-57332   
Notification Only
P-Card Disbursements, Auditor. 
2. AI-57343   
Notification Only
Intra-County account transfers transmitted January 3, 2025 and January 6, 2025, Auditor. 
3. AI-57354   
Notification Only
Intra County account transfers transmitted on January 8, 2025, Auditor.
4. AI-57363   
Notification Only
Change Order No. 1 to Construction, Adult Detention Smoke-Heat Detector Replacement (IFB No. 2024-066) with Star Asset Security, LLC to add RFI #8 and #9, Construction & Projects.
5. AI-57357   
Notification Only
Award Commissary Services (RFP No. 2024-279) to Keefe Commissary Network, LLC, Sheriff.



Public comments related to an item on the Agenda.

If a member of the public would like to address the Court, a properly completed Public Comment Form must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.  Each speaker shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes for public comments.


Consent Agenda Items:

a. AI-57286   Approved Disbursements for the period ending January 21, 2025, Auditor.
b. AI-57287   Approved Indigent Defense Disbursements, Auditor.
c. AI-57358   Approved Tax refunds totaling $116,838.07, Tax Assessor-Collector.


1. AI-57356   Approved Plumbing Supplies (IFB No. 2025-101), Facilities.
2. AI-57369   Approved Detergents and Dispensers for Laundry (IFB No. 2025-017), Purchasing.


1. AI-57281   Approved Office Furniture Contract - Multi Party Buying Agreement (Contract No. 2025-084) utilizing Collin County Community College District Contract, Furniture - Annual Contract to purchase furniture items from a multi-vendor contract accepted and approved by Collin County Community College District, Purchasing.
2. AI-57282   Approved Annual Office Furniture (Contract No. 2025-073) to Plano Office Supply Co. utilizing the Collin County Community College District Contract, Annual HON blanket purchase agreement, Purchasing.
3. AI-57292   Approved OEM Toner, Ink Cartridges, and Supplies for Printers (Coop. Quote No.  2025-072) to various vendors, Purchasing.


1. AI-57342   Approved Contract for the retirement of Ferro (Canine) and Adoption by Warrior Dog Foundation, Sheriff.

Change Order(s):

1. AI-57361   Approved No. 10 to Construction: Collin County Adult Detention Facility, Phase 2 Addition, CUP (IFB No. 2022-299) with Sedalco, Inc. to provide credits in the amount of $210,426.36 and further authorize the Purchasing Agent to finalize and execute same, Construction & Projects.
h. Contract Renewal(s):
1. AI-57347   Approved Psychological Examination for LE Personnel (Contract No. 2023-025) with Robert D. Lackey dba Spartan Psychological Consulting to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including March 26, 2026, Human Resources.
2. AI-57340   Approved Grounds Maintenance Equipment, Parts and Supplies (Contract No. 2025-005) with Coufal-Prater Equipment, LLC dba United Ag & Turf to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including May 25, 2026, Public Works.
3. AI-57339   Approved Tires (Contract No. 2024-163) with Fastlap, LLC dba Blagg Tire Wholesale to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including February 28, 2026, Public Works.
4. AI-57311   Approved Coffee: Services and Supplies (RFP No. 2022-163) with DAIOHS USA, Inc. d/b/a First Choice Coffee Services to extend the contract for one (1) year through and including January 31, 2026, Purchasing. 

Budget adjustment(s)/amendment(s):

1. AI-57331   Approved $703 for the purchase of ten (10) body composition monitors/scales, Human Resources. 
2. AI-57350   Approved $3,991,599 for 75th percentile pay, benefits and overtime for FY2024, Budget.
3. AI-57348   Approved $768,058 to re-budget funds, and payment in the amount of $384,029 to the City of Celina, Engineering.

Receive and File, Auditor:

1. AI-57365   Approved County Clerk (FY 2021).
2. AI-57367   Approved Public Works (FY 2021).
3. AI-57364   Approved Constable, Precinct 3 (FY 2022).
4. AI-57366   Approved Elections (FY 2022).


1. AI-57352   Approved Purchase of utility shelving for the 493rd and 494th District Courts, 429th District Court.
2. AI-57359   Approved Utilization of the Commissioners Courtroom by Congressman Keith Self for the Congressional Youth Advisory Council on February 1, 2025, from 9:00am - 12:30pm Administrative Services.
3. AI-57329   Approved Sale of property located at Oxford Farms Addition (CCL), Lot 10, to Yossi Barazani, upon payment of $49,000, Commissioners Court. 
4. AI-57349   Approved Grant application for the FY2025 Bullet Resistant Shield grant through the Office of the Governor, Constable, Precinct 4.
5. AI-57330   Approved Authorize Purchasing and Engineering Departments to negotiate the scope and fee for Professional Services, Engineering Consulting Services to Collin County (RFQ No. 2024-369), Engineering. 
6. AI-57341   Approved Redesignation of County Road 537 as Lone Tree Rd with associated address updates, GIS/Rural Addressing. 
7. AI-57351   Approved Accept the donation of a 2004 Ford F350 Ambulance from the City of Sachse, Sheriff.
8. AI-57355   Approved Grant application for the FY 2025 State Homeland Security Program grant through the office of the Governor, Sheriff.
9. AI-57312   Approved FY2026 Budget Calendar, Budget. 
10. AI-57370   Approved Boards & Commissions Appointments, Commissioners Court.
11. AI-57378   Approved Personnel Appointments, Human Resources.
12. AI-57380   Approved Personnel Changes, Human Resources.

General Discussion Items:

Presentation, discussion and any action regarding:
a. AI-57386   
No Action Taken
89th Legislative Session Update, Administrative Services.
b. AI-57257   
No Action Taken
Housekeeping Update, Facilities.
c. AI-57399   
No Action Taken
Regional Transportation Council monthly update, Commissioner, Precinct 4.

Executive Session Items:


Executive Session, in accordance with Chapter 551 of the Government Code.


Any action resulting from the executive session.


The Commissioners Court reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed in this agenda, in the order deemed appropriate, as authorized by Chapter 551, Open Meetings, Texas Government Code, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.075 and 551.076, or to seek the advice of its attorney and/or other attorneys representing Collin County on any matter in which the duty of the attorney to the Commissioners Court under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code or as otherwise may be permitted under chapter 551.

Public Comments not related to an item on the Agenda.

If a member of the public would like to address the Court, a properly completed Public Comment Form must be submitted prior to the start of the meeting.  Each speaker shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes for public comments.



Chris Hill

I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was filed and posted to this office located in the City of McKinney, Texas, on this the _______ day of _______________, 2025 at _______ o'clock _____.M.

Stacey Kemp, County Clerk
Collin County, T E X A S



NOTE: The Collin County Commissioners Court complies with A.D.A. requirements. If you have an impairment and wish to appear at a meeting, please call (972) 548-4631 to make arrangements.